What you need to know about immigration court?
If you’re not an American citizen, or even if you are, you may have found yourself facing the immigration court system at some point in your life, perhaps because you entered the country without documentation or overstayed your visa. There are many misconceptions surrounding the immigration court system, and this confusion makes it much more difficult to navigate through it successfully, no matter what your particular situation is. To ensure that you’re as prepared as possible to navigate through this confusing legal process, take a look at the information below to help you understand how immigration court works.
Who Should Attend?
Immigration court is a formal proceeding, and as such, there are specific rules about who should attend. In general, the person facing removal proceedings should attend, as well as their attorney or representative. Other people who may be allowed to attend include witnesses, character witnesses, and anyone else with helpful information. If you’re not sure whether you should attend, it’s best to err on the side of caution and show up.
Role of an Attorney
When it comes to immigration court, having an attorney by your side can make a world of difference. An attorney can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system, understand your rights, and give you the best chance at winning your case. A recent study found that when immigrants with attorneys went before judges for their final hearing, they were granted relief 84% of the time.
What To Expect During the Hearing

What you need to know about immigration court.
The immigration court process can be confusing and intimidating. This is especially true if you’re facing removal from the United States. Thankfully, there are a few things you can expect during your hearing that may help put your mind at ease.
First, you will be sworn in. This means that you will have to tell the truth during your testimony.
Next, the judge will ask you some questions. These questions will be about your case and why you think you should be allowed to stay in the United States.
After that, it will be the attorney’s turn to ask you questions. The attorney represents the government and is trying to prove that you should be removed from the United States. Your own attorney will be permitted to respond to any arguments made by the government attorney.
Finally, witnesses may be called to testify.
Afterwards, the immigration judge may decide your case on the spot or wait to decide later. In most cases, the judge will make a decision after hearing all the evidence and arguments.
How Long Does It Take?
The average immigration court case takes about 601 days to complete. However, this number can vary greatly depending on the court’s backlog, the type of case, and whether or not the individual has an attorney.
What Happens After I Arrive At Court?
After you arrive at court, you will check in with the court clerk. The clerk will then call your case and you will approach the front of the room. The Judge will ask you questions about your case and may also ask questions of any witnesses that are present. After hearing all of the evidence, the Judge will decide your case.
Can I Bring a Friend/Family Member with Me?
You are allowed to bring one support person with you to immigration court. This person can be a friend or family member. They will have to sit in the spectator section, however, and will not be able to participate in the proceedings.
Contact Us Today And Let BestImmigrationLawyer.com Help You
The immigration laws are complex. One wrong move or bad decision can have life altering consequences. Call us today or get in touch with us through this website and let us help you. At the BestImmigrationLawyer.com, we have over 50 combined years of legal experience ready to help you deal with any immigration issue. BestImmigrationLawyer.com practices immigration law throughout the United States and its territories. We can help you wherever you are.